Q: How do I track my order?
A: Once our Fulfillment Center has packed and shipped your order, you will receive a shipping confirmation by e-mail with a generated tracking ID number. You can then visit our order tracking page using this link here, https://nolojewelry.com/pages/order-tracking or click any of our “Track Order” links once the tracking ID has been generated.
Q: How long will my item take to arrive?
A: Shipping time varies by region by region. Average ship time within the U.S. is 4-8 business days + handling and or processing time. Some products are shipped by our international partners. Those products will include a special note informing you on the ship time and may take 5-15 business days (variation based on ship time dependency). More information on ship time dependency below. Average handling time is 1-2 business days. Processing time varies from product to product. Items for example, that require customization/engraving may require 3-12 business days.
Q: What are your shipping options?
A: We currently offer a standard FREE shipping option on all orders for U.S Customers only.
Q: What is ship time dependency?
A: Ship time dependency is based on a variation on ship times. Ship times vary depending on a number of factors such as shipping service/method used, product, product availability and demand, handling time, delays and customer location.
Q: Why are items U.S. only?
A: As much as we would love to offer all of our products to both U.S. and international supporters, our products are shipped exclusively within the U.S. Some of our partners have certain restrictions in the U.S. which do not allow us to ship specific products internationally. We hope to expand our shopping experience to an international family in the near future.